
Thursday, January 15, 2015


Do NOT let the blog address mislead you. This is not a blog about some dude, I mean brother blogging about things he makes.

Why, you ask, it's called Bro made it? To which I reply, don't you shorten Cassandra to Cass, Melanie to Mel, Jennifer to Jen, William to Wil, Samuel to Sam? Well, I can go on with examples since I have had this conversation many times over, but I believe you get the drift? So, with that logic, what would you shorten Brototi to? Bro, right? Hence, the origin of the name. And along with it my woes of turning around every time any random person calls someone "bro" when I am out.

Now that we have firmly established why a girl's blog can be called "bro made it", let me talk about what it's all about.
This blog was created to be a food blog, but might change directions depending on the blogger's fancy. I will try to make easy hostel friendly recipes, because frankly, I am tired of the canteen food.

If you are here, I am guessing you feel the same. And hoping the posts helped you in some way.

Would love to hear more from you all! I love all things food- cooking, eating, and talking about it. So, drop a line if you feel the same.


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